Orthopaedic and Traumatology Udayana University's PING PONG EXTRACURICULAR


Extracurricular activities are activities carried out by residents outside of hospital service hours. Extracurricular activities are available at every level of education, from elementary school to university. This activity is to develop the personality, talents, and interests of students in various fields outside the academic field. In other words, extracurricular activities bridge the different and diverse developmental needs of students. Through participation in extracurricular activities, in general, students can develop the ability to communicate, cooperate with others, and discover and develop their potential.

Extracurricular activities have a considerable impact on the development of students' non-academic abilities. One of the extracurriculars developed in the Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist Study Program is the Ping Pong extracurricular. Ping pong is a sport that is carried out by two players (singles) or two pairs of players (doubles) face to face using a small ball, a wooden bet covered with rubber, and a playing field in the form of a table. This activity aims to provide more space for each student and teacher in developing talents, hobbies, creativity and building friendships between students and teachers, other study programs or with other orthopedic study programs throughout Indonesia.

The Ping Pong Orthopedic sports extracurricular team of Udayana has made a myriad of achievements and awards both at the local and national levels. Some of the achievements that have been obtained are 1st place at the KONKER 2021 event which will be held in Malang City and represented by dr. I Made Yudi Mahardika, and finally at COE (Continuing Orthopedic Education) 2022 in Makassar the Ping Pong Orthopedic Udayana team won 3rd place, represented by dr. Cok Gde Oka Dharmayuda, Sp. OT(K).

This extracurricular is held twice a week, every Wednesday and Saturday at 19.00 WITA until it is finished and takes place on Jalan Suradipa 1 Gg. Cempaka, Peguyangan. In its implementation, the extracurricular which is routinely carried out is supervised by the supervisory board which is the lecturers at the Udayana Orthopedic, namely Prof. Dr. dr. Putu Astawa, Sp. OT, M. Kes, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp. OT (K), dr. Cok Gde Oka Dharmayuda, Sp. OT(K). Then from the students, coordinated by dr. I Made Yudi Mahardika as coordinator, with dr. Agus Suarjaya Putra as Deputy Coordinator, dr. I Putu Indra Yudha Masdika P. as Secretary, dr. I Made Wira Kusuma as Treasurer, and the member is from all residents of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Udayana University.