Creating Fitness And Balance: Badminton Activities Among Ppds And Lecturer Ksm Orthopaedics And Traumatology Udayana University


Education and training in the field of orthopaedics and traumatology is a big challenge faced by PPDS (Specialist Professional Education) and KSM Orthopaedics and Traumatology lecturers at Udayana University. In carrying out busy routines and high academic demands, extracurricular activities such as badminton have become an integral part in maintaining their balance, health and happiness. This article will explain in detail about the badminton activities that are routinely held every week along with their benefits from an orthopaedic and traumatology perspective, as well as the benefits in terms of entertainment and refreshing in the context of busy residency activities.

Badminton Activities at Udayana University: A Valuable Tradition

Every week, PPDS and Orthopaedics and Traumatology lecturers at Udayana University gather to play badminton. This activity has become a valuable tradition in their academic environment. With enthusiasm, they compete, practice, and interact with each other. This activity has a positive impact covering many aspects:

Benefits from an Orthopaedic and Traumatology Point of View

Improved Physical Health: Playing badminton is an intense physical activity. Jumping, running and swinging a racket are movements that require good physical fitness. This helps PPDS and lecturers in keeping their bodies healthy and fit, which is important when carrying out medical tasks that require physical strength.

Motor Skills Development: Badminton requires precise hand-eye coordination, quick reflexes and accurate movements. This skill is also important in carrying out orthopaedic surgical procedures that require precision and high motor skills.

Stress Management: Residencies in orthopaedics and traumatology often require high levels of concentration and dealing with emergency situations. Playing badminton can be an effective way to reduce stress and restore mental balance.

Personality Formation: Badminton activities help in forming a personality that is competitive, disciplined and has an unyielding spirit - traits that are very necessary in the medical profession.

Benefits in terms of entertainment and refreshment

Fatigue Removal: Residencies in orthopaedics and traumatology can be very tiring and demanding. Playing badminton provides an opportunity to unwind, have fun, and divert your mind from work that requires high concentration.

Means of Social Interaction: Playing badminton in a team promotes positive social interaction among colleagues. This strengthens bonds between students and faculty, creating a supportive and collaborative environment.

Creativity and Personality: Extracurricular activities like badminton can help in developing creativity and a balanced personality. This provides time and opportunity to pursue interests outside the medical field, which can result in fresh ideas and critical thinking.

In conclusion, badminton activities among PPDS and lecturers at KSM Orthopaedics and Traumatology at Udayana University have a very significant double benefit. Apart from helping in maintaining physical health and the skills needed in medical practice, badminton is also an important means of entertainment and a source of refreshing in the midst of a busy routine. This is an example of how extracurricular activities can contribute positively in the formation of balanced and successful individuals in the challenging world of medicine.