College Entrance Selection Orthopaedic and Traumatology Specialis Academuc Program Faculty of Medicine Udayana University
Denpasar – April 8 and 11, 2022, writing exams and interviews have been conducted by orthopaedic and traumatology specialist academic programs. In this period selection exam was attended by 18 participants who were divided into 16 men and 2 women. All examinees have passed several previous exams, namely administrative exams, health tests and academic ability tests.
On April 8, the examinees took two types of writing tests, namely multiple choice and essays. The multiple choice exam consists of 50 questions covering the entire science of orthopaedics and traumatology with a time of 50 minutes which is spelled out 1 minute per question. While the essay exam consists of 11 questions that assess the overall understanding of science in the field of orthopaedy mastered by participants and each question is given 25 minutes.
On April 11, 2022, the interview exam was held, in the interview exam was divided into 4 rooms. Each room consists of 3 orthopaedic staff examiners and 1 observer examiner. Each participant entered 1 room and was interviewed by their respective examiners. The purpose of this interview exam is to find out the identity, understanding, knowledge, and experience of participants in the field of orthopaedics and traumatology. Each interview session is divided into 30 minutes.
The interview test also consists of training the participants surgical skills. Namely doing action demonstrations against mannequins. With the purpose of evaluating surgical skills that will be one of the considerations in taking decision. Examinees are also assessed for attitude and ethics in this exam.