62nd Sanglah Hospital Anniversary Contests


The birthday celebration of Sanglah Hospital from year to year is always held lively with various series of events and competitions. The inauguration of a series of events to celebrate the 62nd Anniversary of Sanglah Hospital starting with the opening ceremony which was held offline at the Cempaka parking lot of Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar and online broadcast via YouTube and Instagram accounts on Friday, 8 October 2021

Sanglah Hospital held various competitions with the theme "Growing independently and excelling". The orthopedics study program participated in enlivening the competitions from Sanglah's birthday which included band competitions, tumpeng, chess, dance, ping-pong, photography, birthday greetings from each department, videos. Residents, students, staff also celebrate the anniversary of Sanglah Hospital.

On this occasion, the Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist Study Program won 2nd place in the photography competition. The photography competition was followed by the orthopedic study program represented by dr. Ryan Putra Wondany with the theme "Humans as Biopsychosociocultural Creatures" with the photo title "Back to the Roots"

Then the ping pong competition was represented by dr. I Putu Indra Yudha Mastika who made it to the semifinals. Band competition represented by 5 members consisting of: dr. Maria Florencia Deslivia, dr. Putu Teguh Aryanugraha, Bobtriyan Tanamas, dr I Made Surya Budikusuma and Anak Agung Ngurah Gede Surya Darma covered the song just "the two of us" acoustically.

The Orthopedic Specialist Study Program also participated in the morning gymnastics competition, represented by dr. Cokorda Gde Rama Adi Pranata, dr. Bobtriyan Tanamas, dr. I Made Surya Budikusuma, dr. Ignatius Angga Rusdianto, and dr. Adiet Wahyu Christian. The “Tumpeng” competition was represented by dr. I Made Arya Susila, dr. Ignatius Angga Rusdianto, dr. Mikhail Kertajanottama Kushadiwijaya, and dr. Adiet Wahyu Christian

The Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist Study Program took part in the series of Sanglah's 62nd Anniversary. Apart from getting the winner, all teaching staff, employees, and residents were happy and wished the 62nd Sanglah Hospital a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!